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Saturday, June 23, 2012

How I Decorated my Classroom For Under 25 Bucks!

Ok, first, I should admit that really I spent $50.00 BUT that's only because I couldn't pass up a rug from IKEA that was $30.00. But the rest only cost me around 25 bucks, I promise! 

Side Note: 
{I spent all week in my freaking hot classroom sweating and struggling to pick things up at 6 months pregnant but I pretty much got it all done! I am teaching summer school during the whole month of July and didn't think I'd be in any position to do a classroom at 8 months so yeah, we had to move now!}
I had some awesome helpers this husband, sister, brother-in-law-to-be, and my BF, Ashley! They came in and hooked my class up in like 3 hours! 


I have come to realize that if I have access to butcher paper and a color printer, I can decorate my entire room and barely spend any money.  

I have been using the whole idea that you can pick-two-colors-and-stick-with-it-theme as opposed to a theme-theme (like two years ago, I did the whole monster theme from the Trends line and spent about $150.00 on borders, name tags, decorations, etc...never again) I've also done themes in the past like Hollywood, Monkeys, Ocean, etc... 

Now- it's just...colors! I chose blue and green because I already had lots of things in those colors and because well, they're pretty :) 

Here is what I bought: 
Scrapbook paper: $4.00
Fabric to make curtains and a table cloth- $12.00 
Tissue paper for pom poms- $6.00 

What I already had on hand and therefore free: 
Ribbon in my two colors (blue and green)
Book Baskets in my two colors 
Cute file folders in my two colors 
Flowers and vases in my colors 
Reading Pillows in my two colors 

What I needed to create and make or print: (all in my two colors- and cute!)
*I created all of these items on my computer and printed, laminated, and cut out! 
Word Wall Letters 
Book Basket Labels 
Cubby Labels 
Name Tags for desks 
Author Study Folders and labels 
Pennant garland (using scrapbook paper, ribbon, and a stapler) 
Pom Poms 
Curtains to hide items that aren't super cute in my guided reading area
Scrunch border for all my bulletin boards 

OK ...time for a picture review! 

Here are a few 'befores" 

Took me ALL WEEK to sort, level, and label! Whew! More on that below. 

{note the ugly color behind the whiteboard-I cover it with paper soon!}


And then, three hours later after a very bossy me and very helpful friends...

TADAAAAA! As you can see, I've selected a few colors to carry me through the room. Behind the blue paper was an ugly color that I had to cover. Then, I did the scrunch paper border (free).
 More on that below. 

 Dr. Seuss Bookshelf! Oh and those are the word wall labels I made :) 

there's that IKEA rug that made me spend $50.00 instead of 25.00 hehehe

 Not quite done with this wall but there is the garland made with scrapbook paper and ribbon. Eyeball some triangles and staple away! Cheap but still cute! 

Ready to display student work! 

Ahh the scrunch border. It's going around pinterest like it's a new idea which makes me laugh because we've been doing this for years where I'm from! If you've never done it before, it's awesome because it is FREE! Here is how you do it: 

Put up your base color on the walls (I chose blue) and cut strips of butcher paper in your secondary color ( I chose brown).  See strips of paper on the triangular bookshelf!

Ball it up like a wad of paper headed to the trash!  (How cute is my little sister?)

Un-wad the paper and do what I like to call, scrunch and staple :) You may have to tuck in a few wayward strips of paper but it's very forgiving! Thanks for your help Ash! 

Staple, staple, staple. And laugh. :) 

Did you notice the pom balls?? My new obsession. 
Here is a Quick Pom Ball Tutorial (incase you haven't seen this done before- SO super easy!)  Notice the chevron and polka dots?  I diiieeeeee! Found at the local party store! 

All you need is 8 sheets of  tissue paper per pom pom. 

1) Fold accordion style. Back and forth all the way. 
2) I use a simple rubber band to hold the middle. I find that when I fluff it, it is much more flexible. Also, this would be the time to tie a string around the middle so it can be hung. 
3) Round out the edges by cutting a curve. 
Then pull one sheet apart at a time until you have a fluffy pom pom!

Also, I made lots of basket labels for baskets. I decided to do buckets organized by author, theme, series, and genre. I got this really cool bookshelf that had twelve slots. I decided that I would showcase my authors in this cool little thing! 

It was a great place to display my fav. authors all the way around! 

I love the fact that I can include my author study folders

I sorted my book pile mess after I took care of the authors.

lots of time spent on trying to figure out guided reading levels! 

some genre baskets...

and series baskets! 

The rest of my library can be found in browsing buckets (on students desks) 
aka the books that:
 a) I couldn't level because they were too random to find online or
 b) I wanted them to have exposure to them or
 c) I didn't know what else to do with! 

Also, below is my guided reading area where I'll pull small groups. That is the fabric I used to make the curtain (found at Walmart for $2.00 per yard!) and I use the term "curtain" lightly because I made it with a stapler. Sure did. I eyeballed the length, stapled the fabric, and shot it through a tension rod. Did the trick and looks decent from a distance! 

 Don't you dare even judge me! :)

Also, there is a closer look at the paper garland made with scrapbook paper and ribbon! 

So this is the longest post ever but I hope you enjoyed it! I was just so darn proud of myself for spending barely any money that I had to share. :)
Happy Summer! 
Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Replies
    1. Too cute! Thanks for taking the time by sharing!

    2. Who! How inspirational. I am moving from 3rd to 2nd in August, and your post has given me some ideas. Your roomis beautiful!

    3. Love your ideas! Thanks so much for the detailed explanations. Helping a friend decorate her 1st classroom this week - last minute notice she got the job! Love that you did this on such a tight budget too!

    4. Thanks for the great ideas on a budget! Really appreciate your instructions and simple explanations!

    5. Awesome! Thanks fromNZ! :)
      Tawera Tahuri

    6. I LOVE this!!! I never even thought of the paper scrunchy border....and that butcher paper is sold in rolls at the Dollar Tree! LOVE...thanks for the inspiration!


    7. This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing :)

    8. I love the colors you choose! How did you get the blue paper to stay in the wall?

    9. Loved this post and - you - my darling are flipping hysterical!!!

    10. LOVE that I stumbled upon your blog! So creative and I love your classroom decor!

    11. you did awesome!!! I have looked at soooooo many rooms and and posts and none of them gave me good, easy ideas! Yours did! Thanks so much I am super stuck with classroom right now this totally helped :)

    12. absolutely wonderful! I am starting my first year as an elementary school and I really appreciate all the free and inexpensive cute ideas!! Especially those pom-pom cute! thanks again and it looks FABULOUS!!!

    13. This is amazing I'm a new toddler teacher and even though I have little one's I can still use a lot of your ideas to decorate my classroom. Your a life saver

    14. WOW! Very impressive! Thanks for sharing all of your tricks! We all spend too much money every proved that it can be done well for less. Thanks, again!

    15. Your room looks sensational! I love the pompoms, especially to make a puffy tree! I love putting a tree in my room...thanks very much for sharing. And I can't believe you only spent $25...some very lucky kids to be in your room.

  2. Replies
    1. Love! Love! Love!!!! I'm teaching overseas, and resources can be difficult to find....your classroom looks AWESOME!!! I used to have a blue/green theme when I taught in America. Love the colors :) Thanks for the great ideas :)

    2. Very cute! I, too, am going with the blue and green colors this year and may throw in some owls :)

    3. Looks great! I, too am going with the blue and green this year. Found lots of cute baskets at the Dollar Tree. I may have to throw in some owls, though :) Happy Teaching!

  3. Way to go! Love your enthusiasm and resourcefulness.

  4. Love your enthusiasm and resourcefulness!

  5. This is amazing! You did a wonderful job =)

  6. It looks great! I really like the banner. Fifty dollars isn't bad either.

  7. You must feel excited to be so ready for it all to begin again!!
    I love your book "caddy"..the one that stands alone..does it turn also?
    Where did you find it...I love that you can show your author study folders there too.
    Good work...You have inspired me to go in next week and start to get myself in gear!

    1. Hi Barbra!
      THe caddy doesn't turn...which I'm thankful for because I could already see turing it to death becoming a favorite pastime for my students. :)

      I moved classrooms and I was lucky enough to get it this year! I'm so glad you were inspired! :)

  8. I, too, am going away from a "theme" and instead doning a black and white foundation with a few pops of color. I figure that way when I get bored of the look, I only need to change my color pops and I'll be good to go! I love the poms and the scrunch border (which is brand new to me!)... both will be appearing in my room this fall :-)

  9. looks amazing! I can't imagine having everything already set up for next year, awesome work! :)

    Tales of An Elementary Teacher

  10. WOW, I can't believe you got all of that done in 3 hours and for $50.00. Thanks for posting all of your pictures I'll have to remember about writing to do list on the board for my helpers like you did. I LOVE the colors that you picked for your room (they are actually the new colors of my blog makeover so I'm a little biased).

    Thank you for following me. I thought I already followed you but for some reason my picture wasn't there from before so I am now an OFFICIAL follower.
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  11. Wonderful! I bet it feels amazing to be done too! How sweet is your family to help you! I love it!

  12. Your room looks awesome and I can't believe you did all of that on just $25 (except the rug). Wow! Your room has inspired me to do some similar ideas in my classroom with my hot pink and blue theme.


    1. oooo hot pink and blue sound fun!! post photos if you can!!!

  13. Oh, my gosh! Your room is beautiful. I would love to be in there all day with you. Thank you for the tutorials--now I need to find tissue paper and get busy!

  14. Beautiful!! I love the Beth tissue paper here I come!!! :)

  15. WOW!!! Your room is so awesome!! I love it. I will be making those Pom-pom balls for my son's 3rd birthday - thanks to you! I will also be making some for my classroom!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your room. I mean, really! I am moving classrooms this year and need a make over. I think you just made my life. Thank you!

  16. wow i have to say that is a really nice class az parent myself i could walk into that classroom knowing you care about your students and knowing you are excited to begain teaching the new yr! i sure could have used some tips on decorating my boys spongebob room might have saved a few hundred!! i will deff be looking for room decor tips in future!

  17. Your classroom looks so wonderful!

    Little Treasures

  18. Love, love, and love!!!! Everything looks amazing!

    Fun In First

  19. Hey Mrs. Tabb! This is so amazing! What a transformation. I love it, and if it's okay, I'd love to share it with teachers when I present at TC this summer. You create such beautiful settings for your sweeties!

  20. Mrs. Tabb-
    I love this! You are so amazing! I would love to share this over the summer when I present at TC, if it's okay with you...I love how you create such a beautiful setting for your sweeties. I hope you're feeling great and enjoying all the wonder of these days!

  21. LOVE it! It looks amazing...and the colors are so soothing! This post is an endless source of inspiration!

  22. You totally rock! I LOVE the colors that you picked. They mesh so well together. Thanks for the pom poms tutorial because that was something I wanted to do with my classroom this year. I also love the scrunchy paper idea. You did a fantastic job!! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  23. Awesome classroom! Love the pom-pom balls and scrunch border!!! I think I'll have to incorporate those ideas in my classroom, too. Thanks for inspirational!

  24. Stunning room! Thanks for sharing.

  25. Wow!! So amazing!! And I love how little money you spent.. We teachers tend to go crazy spending on decor... geesh!!

  26. I LOVE your room!!! Those are the colors I was thinking for my room this year, but I'm using yellow too. I will be borrowing your scrunch border and poms poms also. Thanks for the inspiration !

  27. Looks terrific! I love how you had an agenda for your Saturday help!
    Finally in First

  28. Amazing! Great job, can't wait till we can go back to school and start on my classroom. =)

  29. That was the longest post, ever! But....I read every word! Awesome classroom! I am in shock that you only spent $50.00! Good work!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  30. BEST classroom EVER. :) I love it!

  31. I love love LOVE your room. I teach high school and I have this terrible pegboard wall in my room that I WILL cover this summer, all thanks to you girl!

  32. Hi! I just happened across you blog and am your newest follower. Your room looks great, it's so bright and welcoming! I'm glad to see others are going with just a simple color scheme instead of a whole full-blown theme. I'm going with a couple colors this fall in my classroom instead of a theme like I have in the past. Looks great!

  33. I too have a blue/green theme. Love it! Sadly, we have a very strict fire marshall and cannot cover our walls floor to ceiling. I love what you did around your white board. I am wondering how you attached the butcher paper and the scrunchy border to the wall. Is it a cinder block wall or a soft wall that you can just staple the paper on?

    Your students are lucky to have such a caring teacher.

    1. bummer about that Fire Marshall :( they can be a big thorn in a creative teacher's side. The wall is a soft wall so it is super easy to staple the scrunch border :)

  34. Mrs. Tabb your classroom looks AMAZING!! I can't wait to read more :) I am awarding your blog the One Lovely Blog award :)

    You can learn more about it on my blog
    Miss L's Whole Brain Teaching

  35. You did a Great Job thank you for the great ideas.

  36. You did a GREAT job. Thank you for the great ideas

  37. I love it! Looks beautiful...... how did you make your labels for your room? Miranda

    1. thank you!! I created them using microsoft powerpoint. Just layer some text boxes and print! :)

    2. You said you created your labels on powerpoint, do you use the background feature for the polka dots? I would love more info as I am going to be doing zebra print black and white with color. Thanks! Great room by the way!

    3. Mrs. Tabb, love your room. Can you explain how you use powerpoint for creating labels. For the polkadots do you use the background feature and then enter a text box for text? Do you make a table first? Thanks for your help! I am going from frog theme to more of a zebra black and white with punch of color.

    4. I am also very interested in the template to create the labels. Would you be able to send the basic instructions and how to change sizes to my email ( ). Love your room!

  38. Looks so great!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!

  39. your class looks beautiful! so many great ideas. thanks for sharing!

  40. It. Looks. FABulous. Great ideas...I just added 2 more things to my to-do list! :)

  41. I LOVE the pom pom idea! I have some things I my site you may like so stop by and grab them. Oh and be sure to join. I'm doing a giveaway very soon!

  42. I truly enjoyed this. I found it on Pinterest (my very new obsession). You are quite creative (which I will copy of course) and witty (my friends and I tell each other all of the time, "Don't judge me"). I will look forward to browsing your blog more.

  43. LOVE what you've done with your classroom! I'm going back to teaching this year and will have TWO art classrooms to prepare come August (when they finally let us in the buildings). This post gave me hope and inspiration!

  44. Absolutely Love this.. All of this!! Great post, great ideas, Thank you for sharing!!

  45. Found your blog via Pinterest. Your room is gorgeous! I love your color scheme. I'm going to be doing some similar things in lime green, orange and pink in my room. Thanks for sharing!

    The Teacher Brain

  46. LOVE YOUR ROOM! Totally random question (from a newbie teacher)- How did you attach the butcher paper to your wall? Does it hold up well throughout the year?

    1. Hi!
      The wall is soft so I could staple right through it :)

    2. Mandy, I teach pre-K and we have to replace the butcher paper we put up two years ago this summer. I would imagine unless your kids are kicking the wall or you're constantly stapling things to it, then you should be fine. =)

  47. Awesome job! How did you do the curtains?

  48. hi erin!
    The curtains were "ghetto-rigged" hahaha. I literally just bought fabric and tension rods and stapled a flap large enough to get the tension rod through and popped it up there! :)

  49. Hi! Quick question...where did you find the 12-slot book shelf?

    1. Not sure- it was in my school before I started working there. The funny thing is most teachers don't want them because they are so bulky, lol.

  50. Well done! Your classroom looks beautiful. I know your students will appreciate it! Congratulations on the baby :) Have a great school year!

  51. LaNesha,

    I *LOVE* your room!!! The colors, organization, amount of books, pom-poms, ..... I could go on and on!!

    Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your summer!


  52. LaNesha,

    Ahh, not sure where my comment went! LOVE your classroom. SOOOO creative! Love the colors, books, organization, pom-poms, etc... I could go on and on!

    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas.


  53. Your room looks wonderful! I am also making a lot of my decorations instead of buying this year. I will be using the scrunch paper border...I have never seen it before! I may also use your ribbon and flag banner. Thank you for sharing your great ideas!

  54. Beautiful classroom. But perhaps you could learn the difference between "their" and "they're"?


    A 6th and 7th grade teacher with students who don't know the proper way to spell (perhaps because their first grade teacher don't know either)

    1. Kay,
      Thank you for the compliment. I must say that your comment is probably the only rude comment I've ever had...but it did make me laugh a bit. I have no problem correcting the word- especially because I'm usually the one correcting mistakes like this-but when you are blogging about something you are passionate about, sometimes things slip through. It's all about the way you say things.

      I know a lot of of 6th and 7th grade students who are a bit rude- perhaps because their teacher is rude? Speaking of that statement... correct me if I'm wrong, but "perhaps because their first grade teacher 'don't' know either" doesn't look grammatically correct either.

      thanks for the would do you well to be more kind when they are given. :)

  55. I'll be moving to a new school this year and can't wait to steal some of your ideas while I set up my new room!! Please keep your ideas coming! Your classroom looks so great! Your students are going to be so happy there :)

    1. hey rachel!!
      that's great! best of luck in your new school and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  56. This is such a cute room and idea. I love the browsing bucket idea for all the extra books that you are not sure of. Do you keep these at their group tables? Also...when you labels your buckets for your library do you have individual labels for the books in the bucket too???
    Thanks - Lauren

    1. Hi Lauren!
      Yep, I keep the browsing buckets on their tables (desks in groups of 4). The leveled library has the letter written on the back of each book for safe returning, the series and author books take care of themselves (after training the kiddos on them) and the genre baskets pretty much take care of themselves after they learn what types of books go in there. We train on the library and how it works for quite some time to keep it organized throughout the year. :)

  57. Are you going to post the labels and other things you made on TPT? :)


  58. Wow that is one amazing classroom! Thanks so much for the inspiration and tutorials!

  59. Wow what a great classroom! Thanks so much for the inspiration and tutorials. I can't wait to try some of these ideas out in my own room this year!

  60. Love, love, love. I have to know where you found that tissue paper. Please share.

    P.S. Congrats!

  61. I love your blue and green colors and your classroom library looks absolutely fabulous! Thanks for the classroom decorating inspiration! Your room looks amazing!

    Follow Learning Resources on Pinterest:

  62. Love Love Love LOVE this classroom! Will be pinning for ideas for mine!!

  63. Awesome ideas. Love the step by step. Thanks for sharing

  64. Awesome classroom design! And congrats on the new baby. I'm expecting as well!!

    I've awarded you the One Lovely Blog award. Head on over to my blog to check it out.

    Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

  65. Was the wall around your "word wall" actually a bulletin board? I saw you said you stapled the paper! And did you do all your bulletin boards in the blue color?

  66. Love your room! I am moving to first next year and I am going to do a blue, green, brown room, but was looking for easy ways to save money on a whole new room. I had never seen the scrunched up paper, cool idea.

    P.S. Your response to the rude comment from the 6/7th teacher was priceless and awesome.

    1. haha!! thanks girl. She was too rude so I had to let her know. Good luck in first, you'll love it!!!!

  67. Gotta agree with the previous post...who would waste the time to make such a nasty comment about someone else's hard work? whatev...

    Dont usually post to blogs but had to let you know how awesome this post was for me...inspiration on a budget?!?!

    Planned on using brown, green and blue, doing the scrunch and the poofs...what fire marshall? (wink, wink!)

    Now you can take it easy and prep for baby! Best wishes! Lauren

  68. LOVE your cute, cheap-room tutorial! It is helpful, inspiring, and funny as heck! I'm hooked! And, congrats for 2 things: 1. a sweet patootie to join the family this fall, and 2. putting a rude, disingenuous 6th/7th pill in her place!

  69. LOVE your cute, cheap-room tutorial! It was inspiring, helpful and funny as heck! Congrats for 2 things: 1. your sweet patootie that will join you in the fall, and 2. putting that &*%$#, rude 67h/7th pill in her place politely! I'm hooked!

    1. hehe. well thank you for the compliments. like my momma taught me..."above all, keep it classy" ;)


  70. Wow! This looks great. Love the book caddy...will have to figure out a way to get one myself. Thanks for the inspiration. Good luck with the new baby! My little one was a september baby ( 3 years ago now) and the summer wasn't too bad but I do remember schlepping my fat fanny around at 8+ months trying to get stuff done. You were smart girl!
    -Jean Robinson-

  71. Love love it all. You can tell you're a great teacher from your excitement. The kids are lucky to have you!

  72. This is incredible! I've been teaching 26 years and you inspired me to re-do my classroom. I have mostly primary colors and will do it that way. I also call my classroom Snoopytown so a lot of this I can incorporate.

    Thank you so much. The world needs more teachers like you. And congratulations on the little one coming.

  73. I love your classroom! I will be keeping this set up in mind when we move into our new building next year! :)

  74. Great job! I wish I could do the same, but my "teacher" gets to have all the fun. And that Kay? Jeesh! Haters gonna hate. Now, I do not want to sound like her (heck no!) But I do have a question. On your (fantastic) round book case, you chose to use lower case letters for authors names, (which I like, kinda e.e. cummings-ish) but.....then you will have to contradict yourself when you tell your kids that proper nouns are always capitalized. A conundrum of sorts.

    1. lol good point. sadly, i fell in *love* with that font and didn't even realize until I had printed and laminated them that this font doesn't allow capitals. At that point, I was so tired and wanted to see a finished product that I just put them up anyway.
      I figure if a kiddo asks about it, I'll do a mini lesson on graphic design and how sometimes people use our language in funny ways to make it more appealing...and how that is OK as long as we know the correct way to do it. LOL bit of a stretch? maybe...but it is true...i did my entire wedding invitation in lower case because I liked the look :)

  75. You SHOULD be proud! Let's be honest, most teachers have a tendency to spend tons of money on our classrooms. I'm your newest follower, even though I teach middle school. I decorate more like an elementary teacher and I definitely use some elementary techniques in my classroom every day, so I'm looking forward to reading!


  76. Wow! I'm so inspired by your creative efforts and your effervescence! A two color theme...BRILLIANT! Thank you so much for the great ideas!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This look wonderful! I'm a first year teacher looking for inspiration, and I have a few ideas flowing after seeing your room! Will you be sharing your book bucket labels and word wall cards on TPT? You'd have one customer for sure!

  79. You have such wonderful ideas! I love your creativity! I am definitely trying the scrunched border and pom-poms.....oh, and the flags, and the stapled curtains (LOL-love that!)

  80. I love this! I've used lime green, blue, and hot pink in my room for the past few years! How do you get the butcher paper to stay up on your walls all year? What do you use for adhesive?

  81. Love it (especially the borders and the pom poms and the colors and all looks great!)
    Mrs. Goff's Pre-K Tales

  82. This is great! It is so organized and clean looking!

  83. I know teachers who decorate the last week of school so they do not have to think about it when school starts. It seems like it worked for you. How many students will be in your room? It seems like you have a lot of floor space, although there are some baskets on the floor. The teachers in my school practically fall just walking around while teaching because there does not seem to be enough room for everything! The maximum size class this year was 31 and it was an overage, but even some classes with student numbers in the twenties did not have as much space as you appear to have. Some used tables like you did, so that led me to believe maybe your class size was smaller. That, or you are a master of making the best use of space!
    I think the person who commented about your misusing a homophone could have done so in a better way. I liked your response. Tell your mother she should be proud because you did keep it classy!
    Finally, do you keep your room decorated the same throughout the school year? I just got out of school June 19th and cannot start thinking about new ideas. I left up my decorations from spring. However, at some point I will have to develop a plan. (Not that I have room for much.) Perhaps it is a good thing that the janitors in my school do not allow teachers to come in and disturb them until the end of the summer!

  84. Loved reading this! Can't wait to make those super cute pom poms. I find I could spend too much of my own hard earned money on my room, so this was nice to see how it can be done on a budget. You are so lucky getting family to help - my husband hates me making him do stuff for school!

  85. I RARELY comment on other blogs, but your classroom is just too cute! I was planning on doing a blue and green "themed" room next year (I already have all the stuff) and I already planned where I was going to put pom pom flowers, but now I will have to add a cute scrap paper garland!!! Thanks for all the frugal tips! :o)

  86. This is funny because I went from a color theme (blue and green, actually!) to a theme-theme last year. I went western because, like you mentioned too, I already had a lot of things that could work for it. I love your classroom- Much cuter than mine was when it was blue and green!

    In July my sister and I are featuring different classroom themes on our blog. On the 27th we are having a linky party- and you should definitely link up!

    Also, I make grammatical errors ALL THE TIME while blogging. You are right. It is sooo easy to do while writing about something you are passionate about.

    And P.S. Is that smiley monster I see in your classroom? I love that font! =)

    - Julia from 2busybrunettes

  87. What a great classroom! I love your color scheme. Thanks for sharing. I am going to try and make the Pom-Poms. They were adorable.

    I am a new blogger so visit my blog if you would like too. I have only been blogging for about two weeks. It is so addicting. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    Mrs Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

    Hope this link works. :)

  88. I love your room...It is so colorful and inviting! I have a question, where did you buy the light blue book bins with the white cutout handles? I am looking for something just like that for my books!

  89. Beautiful, learning-rich, cozy, and very kid-friendly as well as teacher-friendly. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  90. I love your room. I want to make the pom poms too! Can a man pull it off?

    I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll check out my new "manly" blog!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  91. Wow! Your room looks fabulous. LOVE IT. AND I LOVE your attitude. Way to handle the rudeness some people cannot contain! ;)
    You're awesome!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  92. I love your room! It is very cute and welcoming! Thanks! I was trying to get the courage to stray away from a theme due to the cost. I've been the "Wild West" for several years, but it's time for a change since I am finally changing rooms! You have inspired me!

  93. I'm planning to do a blue and green theme this year. Your room looks great! You've given me a lot of inspiration. I've already started buying so I may not make it in under $25 but it'll be close!

  94. I've given you the versatile blogger award. Click here to see why!

  95. I love your room! Where did you get your green pillows? They are perfect for a reading area. -Melanie

  96. Thank you SO much for sharing! I am a new (slightly overwhelmed!) teacher and am so excited and inspired to see someone on a budget like me! My principal will love that I'm not spending $1,000! :)

  97. Your classroom looks GORGEOUS!!!!! Love the rug and the color scheme. You are A*MAZ*ING!


  98. I found your blog through this great pinterest post. I am your newest follower and I am awarding several of the new blogs I am following with the Versatile Blogger award! Swing by my blog to check it out! I look forward to seeing all of your great ideas!

    Miss Allison's Class

  99. Adorable! LOVE the color theme - I've done this the last few years and it does make things easier and more affordable! I love your pom-pom balls and those tissue papers you used - are fabulous! I'm pinning you so I can remember your ideas!

  100. Amazing!!! You have inspired me to start planning for my 'forever' Library (I am always on the move in the District I work in Canada). Congrats on the baby on the way. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to add you to my Blogroll at I was wondering where did you find the 12 shelf bookcases? I have been searching for them since seeing them on your port.

  101. Thank you so much for sharing. Your classroom looks GREAT!! You have inspired me to make some changes in my room. Thanks again, and blessings to you..

  102. Thanks for sharing your awesome organized classroom with us. It looks GREAT!! I love the simple color choice and your simple yet clever ideas. You have inspired me to make some changes to my classroom.

  103. Love your room and am using the border idea on my bulletine boards. Will also try to get away with some pompoms, our Fire Marshall would have a stroke if I used the paper on my ugly brown paneling. Cute ideas, Thanks for sharing!

  104. That is great! I love your room! It's so adorable! I'm your newest follower.

    Adventures in Mrs. Martin’s Room

  105. Your room looks awesome! This is very motivating!


  106. Absolutely adorable room! Love the color combo too. Thanks for the pom-pom tutorial - I'm hitting Hobby Lobby tomorrow!!! I also found some great things at Idea {unfortunately I can't find a big enough rug for my room}.

    Thanks again!
    Your newest follower,
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  107. Ahhh, I love everything about your classroom!!! Super, super cute!! I love how you have the blue paper covering the entire wall!! Are those the walls you can staple right into?? Our walls are very difficult.... It is a challenge just getting tape to stick to them (usually things fall off a couple dozen times and then I give up :) ) and they are hard to put staples and thumb tacks through too!! I'm gonna play around with it this year and see if I can somehow get colored paper up, but I don't think it's looking too hopeful! I LOVE the poms though and have been wanting to make those for a while and I also love your tall bookshelves! What a great way to display books!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

    Lessons with Laughter

  108. This is absolutely wonderful!! You should be proud!! You are a very creative person!!!

  109. Wow! What a fabulous room - and so organized for the coming school year! Congratulations!
    If you do Daily 5 and are interested - I have some blue Daily 5 poster as part of this pack that you can download for free!!!! They might co-ordinate nicely!


    1. That's so cute! Thanks, Alison!

  110. Thank you so much for taking the time to share! You've given me LOTS of ideas. I just adore your's so cute! :)

  111. I love your room!! I have the same colors in my classroom. Your library looks amazing!

    Spectacular 2nd Grade

  112. P.S. I think Dr. Seuss and Mo Willems are the best! Have you seen the animated version of Knuffle Bunny? It's pretty cute!

  113. I LOVE what you did with $25.00! Love the colors you chose and how nice everything looks.

    I have to ask though......the paper on the your students not totally rip and write on and destroy it by Christmas?

    1. thank you!

      I have done this method for a few years now... and that has never happened. I even taught kindergarten last year. The most that has ever happened was some of the scrunch at the very bottom came down but it was nothing a few more staples couldn't fix. As for writing on my walls...I wish those kiddos would! Let’s just say my students are well versed in how to keep our classroom very nice by the time Fall Break comes. LOL :)

  114. Love it! I appreciate someone who can do magic within a budget and use supplies on-hand. Inspiring!

  115. Love, *love*, LOVE this color pallette!

  116. Our fire marshall won't let us cover the walls with paper like that (plus, they're cinder block so it wouldn't stay up), but I LOVE the way it looks. I've used blue and green as a "theme" for years, and loved it...very calming. I'm moving to a new school this year and have red cabinets in my room. I'm now using cream colored sheets to back my billeting boards, with black and dark gray border (to mimic my ActivBoard) and other colors as accents, so my blue and green leftovers from previous years fit right in. I love the way you have your dr. Seuss and mo willems books displayed.

  117. LOVE the blue wall! I wish the fire Marshall would let us cover our walls like that! I've used blue and green as a "theme" before and loved it. I'm having to change this year, though, since I'm moving to a new school and will have red cabinets in my room. I'm just using lots of different colors this year until I settle on something.

  118. Hey There! This is my first time visiting your blog (found on PINTEREST!) and just wanted to let you know that you gave me some great ideas! Thanks so much! Have a great school year! (And enjoy the little bebe!)

  119. I really like your approach. Can I ask how you made your book box labels? Thanks

  120. Hi! I love all of your adorable ideas! You are so creative and how wonderful to have your hubby, sis,and bff helping you in your classroom! I can't wait to use some of these ideas in setting up my own classroom! I, too, would like to know what computer program or how you made your labels. Oh, and I love your sense of humor, too! Thanks again!

  121. I am so impressed with your creativity!!!! I love the colors, the border, the book shelf that you said, "No one likes them because of their bulkiness.", and the shelf attached to your whiteboard. I truly think your room looks AWESOME!

    The first time through, I missed the rude comment that many had mentioned. So, I forced myself to go back through to find it! My immediate thought was, "REALLY"? We're all teachers here and we all make mistakes!! Then, I thought...wait a minute! Let me say what I would like to say to MANY junior high and high school teachers. Please work on finding the "PASSION" in you work, like we elementary teachers do!! Your classrooms are boring, the desks are still in rows, you lecture for 30-40 minutes, expectations NEED to be raised, and you need to learn how to making learning FUN for your students! I have a 19 year old and a junior high student. I have heard more complaints than positive comments about their teachers and learning, from them and their friends, than any they ever had in elementary school.

    Sorry for speaking up here! More importantly....I LOVE your room! I am going to make some curtains to cover my storage cupboards also. :) Thanks for sharing!

  122. I adore your classroom and the way you've showcased your rich library of books. :) I have the same color scheme going on in my room and am getting lots of ideas of how to more affordably make things look homey and put-together. Thank you!

  123. I was trying to make the pom-poms and they weren't looking very fluffy and pom-pom-y. I ended up with something that looked great from the sides.. but not from the top or bottom. Any suggestions?

  124. So I was making some of your pom-poms but they didn't turn out very fluffy or pom-pom-y. They looked great from the side but not so much from the top and bottom. Any suggestions?

    1. maybe its the amount of tissue paper you're using? I use 8-10 sheets per pom. It could be the method of fluffing too. There are tons of tutorials on youtube that you can actually watch people make them so that might be helpful. Hope that helps!

  125. Love it :) These are my classroom colors too. They just look so fresh and sophisticated! I got my inspiration from a $5 tablecloth from Target. I might just add some pennants next year because they look cheery in your room :)

  126. Hello mrs Tabb! I am a Spanish teacher and I recently discovered your blog. Love the ideas and the PHOTOS!
    I am so in love with your classroom I could totally live there. :)
    I use those colors in my classroom, but they don't look as good as yours.

  127. This is wonderful! I'm hoping you keep this page up for quite a while (I pinned it). My son & daughter are both certified elementary teachers, just waiting on a job to come open, and these are such great & inexpensive tips for decorating their rooms. Thank you so much for sharing!

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. I just stumbled onto your blog from Pinterest. What an adorable room you have!! :) It's been a while since you posted this, but I just wanted to comment about those adorable borders. Thanks for sharing!! I can't believe I wasn't already following you! :) I am now. Yay!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  130. I'm a reading specialist and I absolutely love how you've sorted all your books! So worth the time! The organization will be a major asset to maintaining classroom management and aiding your children in learning how to select books. Which font did you use to print out all your labels?
    Also, love the border!

  131. Love this and your ideas are very creative. Can't wait to start on my room soon!

  132. I love these ideas and can't wait to try them! Your room looks great!

  133. thank you thank you thank you! I was kind of meandering around the web looking for ideas to decorate my classroom, I have never really had a theme color or unit before! You explain it so directly, and yes your sister is cute! Also what a great group of people you have to help you out! Paula

  134. Love your room! Great inspiration!

  135. What type of paper did you use for the brown border. Is it butcher/roll paper in tan or paper bags? I want to do the exact same thing but want to use the exact same thing and not screw it up. BTW, I love your comment back to that rude 6th/7th grade teacher!

  136. I found so many great ideas from this post. Thank you!

  137. Adorable decor! Thanks for the great instructions and inspiration!

  138. Your room is adorable. What a talented decorator you are (and what a helpful family you have). Thanks for the inspiration!

  139. WOW! WOW! WOW! You are an amazing and inspirational educator. Thanks for teaching me something new!

  140. This looks SO amazing! I just got my first job this upcoming year, and I will DEFINITELY be using some of these ideas! Thank you!

  141. what did you use to hang those pretty pom poms?

  142. LOVE your ideas and love that I don't have to pay a million bucks for them. THANK YOU!

  143. A $30 rug from ikea is good value too! lol Love what you did with everything. I would have offered to provide you curtains for free! Some surely loves Cat in the Hat!! Good work :)

  144. SO CUTE!! You're so creative! I hope my kids' classrooms will look this good.

    Have you ever tried using window clings? They're so fun and easy to change with the seasons. Here's where I get mine:

  145. I am looking for some book bins for my class and I was wondering where you got yours!
